This is an activity that I did with the Second Graders on their first day of school. We needed some fun stuff to do with the kids as the formal studies were not to start for the initial couple of days. So, while searching ideas on google, I came across this activity that someone had done in their class. Since it seemed interesting, I decided to make my class rack their brains and come out with “I can’t imagine my life without”.

I gave out blank A4 sheets to all the kids and asked them to make a small cloud in the center. In the cloud they wrote the topic to be worked on. Then they drew various rays coming out of the cloud, dividing the whole sheet into blocks.

In every block they had to write or draw something without which they think they cannot survive or live.

It was interesting to see the thought process of the kids. It ranged from Family and friends, to nature, to even their favorite food or toy!

I can't imagine my life without

Finally they colored the block with light shades of colors, to make it look vibrant.

I can't imagine my life without

I can't imagine my life without

Finally, when all the kids were done, I put up everyone’s work on the bulletin board.

I can't imagine my life without

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