I made a little caterpillar


Learning about insects and creepy crawlies was full of “ewwwws” and giggles! Caterpillar and fireflies were fascinating but spiders and cockroaches were scary. Mosquitoes and houseflies were bad for health !

I told them the story of the very hungry caterpillar – how it turned into a beautiful butterfly. Post the story, we did a caterpillar craft.

Materials required for caterpillar craft:

  • Popsicles
  • Small pompoms
  • Googly eyes
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Fevicol


  1. Apply fevicol on the popsicle.
  2. Place the pompoms on it. Though green is the colour I should have used, but I went with  yellow, green and red, to make it colorful.


3. Next, place 2 goggly eyes on the head.

4. Lastly, I tied a piece of pipe cleaner next to the caterpillar’s head to mark its antennas. This step I had to do for the kids.


And our caterpillars are ready! The kids had to leave them back in the class as they were too wet to be taken back home. They had to wait another day before they took their caterpillars home.


Till then, i laid them over the window sill to dry off and be ready to go home with their friends the next day.


Aren’t they cute 😀

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