Orange Color Day


Color specific days are always fun and full of related activities. Here is all that we did on our Orange color day..

  1. Color exploration Table –

I collected everything orange that I could lay my hands on – toys, stationary, essentials etc.  I laid out everything on the study tables well before the kids came to the class.


They explored and played with all the stuff for a while.    Orange

2. Color Collage –

I got few items that are, or can be of orange color. Then I distributed all the sheets among the kids so that each one had one. They colored their drawings with an orange crayon.


After they were done, I cut out the drawings and the kids pasted them on a white chart.


And here is our Color Collage:


3. Red + Yellow = ?

I got printouts of pumpkins and placed a blob of yellow and red paint on both ends of the sheet. The kids mixed the colors to paint the pumpkin orange.


4. Craft – we made pennants

This was a little craft work that we made and stuck in the scrap book. The kids inserted a pipe cleaner inside 2 straws. Then I tied the straws together with a small piece of thread to make a clothing line. On it we stuck small triangles to make pennants. We used everything in orange color.


Here is how our craft work looked:


I hope you liked our activities.

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