

I made a little caterpillar

Learning about insects and creepy crawlies was full of “ewwwws” and giggles! Caterpillar and fireflies were fascinating but spiders and cockroaches were scary. Mosquitoes and houseflies were bad for health ! I told them the story of the very hungry caterpillar – how it turned into a beautiful butterfly. Postcontinue reading…



Ocean Animals Chart

I had got some coloring pages of Ocean Animals from a friend. They were loose sheets. So I decided to do different types of painting and coloring on them. We did spray painting on frog, sponge painting on the lobster and Q-tip cluster painting on the octopus. Also, we had a dolphincontinue reading…



Numbers Activities

Kids are quick learners. Be it Numbers, alphabets, rhymes, or anything, they grasp everything very fast. And, if you keep repeating the these everyday, the retention of the concepts is all the more better. Here I am showing you what all we did to learn our numbers and counting incontinue reading…



Learning About Textures

We keep learning about textures as soon as we enter school. It’s my kiddies third year in school, so I thought of going a little beyond the regular textures we learn about – smooth, hard, rough, soft etc. First of all, I arranged all the stuff in class so thatcontinue reading…

star shape


Star shape craft activity

It was the month to introduce and work on the STAR SHAPE. Though at this point all kids know the shape of the star, still I wanted to do something different with them. While searching, I came across a lovely star shaped craft on pinterest. We had just worked oncontinue reading…



Fun with Paints – Animal Footprints

This was the month about Wild Animals. We had been talking about Lions and Cheetahs, Deers and Hippos – their habitat, food, physical features like their color, footprints, fleece etc. But no learning is complete without involving some paints in it 😉 So we brought together our plastic animals and paints.continue reading…

brown color day


Brown Color Day

The shades of brown relate to the earth-friendly things that are all natural.  It was Brown Color Day in my class. And we had to make a textured board as an activity that week too. So I clubbed both and we made a textured board with it. But before that,continue reading…

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